Algorithm WorksA website(or pages) maintained by orzer,an algorithm lover.

The pages talk about computational problems, their solving algorithm and maybe, their history.
This text should be started on the second page.

Technical Notes for this page style

Syntax Highlighting Example

basic example

<pre class="codehlt" data-mode="ace/mode/html" data-height="100px" data-width="900px">

theme/mode support

<pre class="codehlt" data-mode="ace/mode/javascript" data-theme="ace/theme/monokai"
   data-height="200px" data-width="900px">function square(a){
   return a*a;
function square(a){
   return a*a;


//this code is editable,enabled with attribute data-edit="edit"
function square(a){
   return a*a;

more configurations

//this code is editable,enabled with attribute data-edit="edit"
//use data-ace_conf="json" to set more configurations
//here we used "tabStop":8
function square(a){
	return a*a;

What if...USE the space but delay rendering?

function square(a){
	return a*a;

Use $\LaTeX$ with MathJax

And.. $\LaTeX ~~\mathtt{enabled}$. $LaTeX$ for MathJax.